The Duty Crew

Created by Geoffrey 6 years ago

I met  Chris at Middle Wallop in 1965. I had organised a dance inthe NAAFi. I had booked a local group called the Troggs,  later to go on to fame and fortune. When they took a break Les Kehoe borrowed the lead guitarists instrument, JohnBalague grabbed the bass guitar, i sat at the drums and Chris  joined in on rythm guitar. Mick Brogan grabbed the microphone and we gave a superb rendition of “Under The Boardwalk”. The rock group called “The Duty Crew” was born. We  played a variety of venues including NAAFI dances, Anna Valley Village Hall and Henley on Thames Town Hall. A great and talented guy who will be sorely missed. You will nit be forgotten my friend. Geoff (23783281 Cpl. Mansfield).